Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oh Deary Me.

I'm pretty sick. Back in the hospital already.
More on that later though, for now, I'm seriously worried... I've been watching Glee on the laptop. And I think I have a Gleek inside me wanting to break out and sing along.

Err, Yes Please??


  1. Oh yum. Hard to drag your eyes away from him, right!?

    Feel better please! Xx

  2. I think I have actually been sitting here trying to decide who I'd jump on first, him or the guy who plays Finn. Y'know...just in case the situation ever comes up ;)

  3. hahahaha, love it.

    I love Glee too, so don't worry! I missed the episode on Monday and haven't managed to catch up on it yet :(

    James says you should watch Ashes to Ashes...


  4. I know I am very late with this but FEEL BETTER NOW!!! :) Please? Also Glee addict right here too!! Gotta love that. My sister has just got the DVD. I bought it her saturday afternoon- about 4ish by sunday 10am she had watched all 13 episodes! I Just can't beat that! xx
